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Woollen Wholecloth Quilt

Date made: mid 19th century

Maker: Campbell, Mary Ann

Description: A woollen wholecloth quilt with a top cloth made of linsey-woolsey fabric (wool and linen mix). The fabric is a check pattern of blue, brown and red (now faded to pink) and white. The top cloth is two widths of fabric joined with blanket stitch using a white woollen thread.

The quilt is backed with two widths of unbleached woollen cloth or flannel and is hand-quilted in white woollen thread in a zig-zag pattern. The quilt is bound in Turkey red cotton fabric and does not contain any filling.

This quilt was part of the trousseau of Mary Ann Campbell on her marriage to the donor's grandfather, Thomas Crennell, around 1850. The quilt was either made at Grenaby, Bride or, if inherited from the bride's mother, Joaney Jick, made about 20-30 years earlier at Thurot Cottage, Bride.

Measurements: overall: 180 cm x 160 cm

Materials: flannel, linen, wool

Object name: quilt

Collection: Costume & Textiles Collection

ID Number: 1975-0093


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